Hagenburg im Mühlkreis
About the City
A walk through Hagenberg—located 20 km north of Linz—is a journey through time. Starting with the castle with its foundations from the Middle Ages to the modern software park with university and technical college courses, research facilities, and more than 1500 students.
The RISC, a research institute of the University of Linz, brought thought leaders, students, researchers, and companies from software development to Hagenberg. And it helped the already half-ruined castle flourish again. The historic walls—renovated at great expense—became the heart of the new Hagenberg. The event hall, the stylish castle restaurant, and the rustic Eiskeller are full of young life. The extensive university area extends along the slope above the castle.
A cultural gem In the 12th century, the castle in Hagenberg was built to protect commercial travelers on the salt route to Bohemia. Over the centuries, the Trutzbau was transformed into a castle in the Renaissance style with an integrated, very attractive castle chapel. Now, in the 21st century, it is a center for science, administration, and culture. The Schloss Hagenberg Association regularly invites you to exhibitions, readings, and concerts by national and international artists in the historic premises of the Altenburg.
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