About the City
Learn about Denmark’s history in museums and art galleries, see famous architecture, and enjoy parks and nature activities.
Visit Herning, a charming town with nature reserves, renowned cultural attractions, unique museums, and buildings designed by Jorn Utzon, the Sydney Opera House architect. The small town of Herning was an important crossroads in the Middle Ages. Today, many people come to the MCH Messecenter Herning, one of Denmark’s largest conference centers.
Walk through the town center to view historic manors and historical museums. Pass the iron-bound oak door to the Renaissance-style Arnborg Church to see a pulpit dating from 1653.
Walk around the churchyard, learn about life on the moors and view the Rind Å river valley. Memories of the early industrial ages are alive in Herning. Walk through buildings from the 1800s at the Frilandsmuseum.
See holograms, vintage photography equipment, and photographs of Hans Christian Andersen at the Denmark Fotomuseum. Note the beautifully restored industrial buildings at Textilforum. Located in an old wool mill, the museum is a unique place to learn about the textile industry. Perhaps one of the most impressive art collections and architectural museums in all of Denmark is the HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art. Tour the grounds and visit the former shirt factory ANGLI. View the millennium sculpture, Elia, a giant sleek dome. See the striking geometric architecture at the school complex designed by Jorn Utzon. Walk opposite HEART to the Birk Centerpark to see the curious De Geometriske Haver (Geometrical Gardens) and the Skulturparken (Sculpture Park). Relax in some of the many great parks and reserves in Herning. Discover nature at the Palsgaard Forest.
Visit the 200-year-old manor house to learn about the history of the area. Sail in a canoe down the Storå from Herning to Holstebro or enjoy a family day at Jyllands Park Zoo.
Renowned cultural attractions and unique museums make Herning a great town to explore.
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