Integrated or General Sciences Programs Bachelor Programs

Some of the most interesting advances in science happen when knowledge and skills from two or more disparate disciplines are combined: computing and neurology, for instance, or biomechanics and mechanical engineering. ​In industry, many companies require skills in more than one science. If these can be combined in a single employee, so much the better.​These are some of the reasons for people pursuing bachelor’s degrees in integrated or general sciences. Instead of focusing your energy on learning as much as you can about a single field, you can compile a judicious selection of courses in mathematics, computing, and the physical and life sciences. Such a curriculum is usually aimed at exploring a particular area such as applied physics or materials analysis. These subject concentrations may be mostly pre-defined or, as at many European universities, left largely up to the student’s discretion.​An integrated or general sciences degree is popular among people who are interested in science but aren’t quite sure of their eventual goal, as this bachelor’s can lead to a variety of opportunities for work or further study. In addition, it allows you to craft your own bachelor’s in a field that isn’t formally available as a major.